What does the booking fee include?

Booking fee includes the following: travel, set-up, tent and chef. Your allotted time is 1 hour and half. For a list of items that the booking fee covers, please click on this link.

What is the VIP Add-on?

If you are looking to enhance your hibachi experience, the VIP add-on will do just that. It includes white linens, 8oz wine glasses, sparkling table runners and decorations. VIP add-on starting at $200 extra.

What is the minimum/maximum guests I need to have in order to book?

The minimum is 10 and the maximum is 45 guest

What is the farthest you will travel?

We will travel 60 miles from St. Charles. After 60 miles or if going out of state, there will be a surcharge.

What does Vegetarian Meals include?

Veggie meals include celery, napa, cabbage, red peppers, green peppers, zucchini, mushrooms, onion and broccoli.

Is the booking fee refundable?

No, booking fee’s are non-refundable. However, if you need to change a date, please call us or email us.

What places are you able to set-up?

Venues, backyards and garages. We do not go up a flight of stairs.

What set-up colors are available for my event?

Black & Red, Black & Gold, Black & Pink, Black & Royal Blue, Black & Purple, Black & Black

Cancellation policy

If you need to reschedule your event, you have up-to a week to notify us. Your rescheduled event must be at least 2 weeks in advance. That can be done either email or phone. Booking fee is non-refundable.

What if it Rains?

No worries, the show will go on. We will provide tents so that everyone is dry and having a good time. If you need to reschedule, just simply contact us one week in advance.

What is the dimension of your set-up?

The dimensions of the whole set-up for 1 chef is 10x12 or 10x20 with tent.

What if I do not pay for the dinners 5 days prior to the event?

If dinners are not paid on time, we can automatically cancel the event.

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    2762 East Main Street St. Charles IL, 60174

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